Message ID: 223582
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2005-01-15 14:16:00
Subject: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

Yahoo SCOX Crash And Burn Archive Project

On January 14th, 2005 due to unknown reasons certain yahoo financial message boards started experiencing disappearing posts. On this date, cat_herder_5263 posted message id 223408 asking if anyone had archived the Yahoo SCOX message board. In message id 223465 I (spamsux99) replied that yes, in fact I do have an archive. I stated that anyone who would like archived copies needs to grant me permission to redistribute/republish their comments.

Responses to this post have led me to start the Yahoo SCOX Crash and Burn Archive Project. As you may know, at any time SCOX may either run out of cash, or lose their desperate legal lottery attempts to extract licensing fees from linux users. Once SCOX finally does crash and burn, they will be delisted and the Yahoo SCOX board will disappear. This project aims to preserve a record of the crash and burn, and to provide useful ways to access the content of these posts.

To make this project possible, I am asking for permisison from posters to either the Yahoo SCOX or Yahoo CKX financial message boards for rights to republish their comments under the CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license. A copy of this license can be found at In case of the loss of posts by yahoo or the eventual shutdown of the board, I will provide archive copies of all posts by any poster who grants me these rights in the form of a SQL dump. The request must come from the email account of the original yahoo poster.

From time to time I will repost this message, along with a list of yahoo ids who have granted permission. If you wish to make your posts available under these terms, please reply to this post.

If you previously granted me permissions to republish/redistribute by replying to Yahoo SCO message id 223465, please reply again to this message!

Message ID: 223596
Posted By: cat_herder_5263
Posted On: 2005-01-15 14:32:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

Permission granted to republish & redistribute my works under the CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license.


Message ID: 223599
Posted By: boyle_m_owl
Posted On: 2005-01-15 14:39:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

Bleh. As far as all the legalese goes, I see this as the downside of all this "Intellectual Property" bullshit that has happened over the past few years, which is a *legal fiction*.

Information only becomes valuable when people use it. It becomes most valuable when most people use it.

Archive my stuff. Pretty Please With Sugar On Top.

BMO - Putting the Mental in Fundamental and Fun in Fundament since 1965.

Message ID: 223610
Posted By: al_petrofsky
Posted On: 2005-01-15 15:11:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

Mike Green:

> I am asking for permisison from posters to either
> the Yahoo SCOX or Yahoo CKX financial message
> boards for rights to republish their comments
> under the CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
> 2.0 license. ... In case of the loss of posts by
> yahoo or the eventual shutdown of the board, I
> will provide archive copies of all posts by any
> poster who grants me these rights in the form of a
> SQL dump. The request must come from the email
> account of the original yahoo poster.

You lost me at "The request must come from ...".
I could understand insisting that the permission
*grant* come from the email account of the poster,
but I thought the point of obtaining that
permission was to ensure that you could then
fulfill copy *requests* coming from anyone.

By the way, rather then clutter the board with all
the "permission granted" replies, it would be nice
if you could set up an automated email address to
accept those (after verifying the DomainKey mail
header). "Just a simple matter of programming",
as they say.

Message ID: 223614
Posted By: jjjacq
Posted On: 2005-01-15 15:36:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

I do NOT grant you permission

Message ID: 223622
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2005-01-15 16:09:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

That is for people who might want sql dumps of all of their posts. The only way I can insure that the person requesting the copy is the author is if they send the request from the same account that created the posts, and is the same person that granted me the rights in the first place.

In other words, I don't want to become the personal copy boy for every poster, which is bandwidth and time intensive.

If enough people sign up, I will probably just create a web site that allows anyone to access the data in handy ways, including automation of archive copies and/or mirroring. But for now, I don't want 400 separate requests to create dumps and email them :) Hence the "in case it goes away" clause.

Message ID: 223623
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2005-01-15 16:11:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

There is no need to tell me you DO NOT grant permission. Just don't reply at all.

Message ID: 223639
Posted By:
Posted On: 2005-01-15 16:44:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

Permission granted, as per post 223582.

However it's not clear how to contact you if I want to request a dump of my comments. Your Yahoo! profile doesn't provide an email address, and if Yahoo! goes down I might have trouble finding your profile anyway. I don't see an obvious email address on your web site either.

Message ID: 223647
Posted By: al_petrofsky
Posted On: 2005-01-15 17:33:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

I'm just getting more and more confused
as to what you're proposing.

I thought what you were trying to do was
to encourage people to explicitly
license their posts under a CCL, thereby
making it more clearly permissible in
the future for you, or for anyone else,
to set up a website like
containing all of those posters' posts.

If all you're proposing is making copies
of posts available to their own authors,
what's the point of the whole CCL thing?
(And why would you propose that, anyway,
if you "don't want to become the
personal copy boy for every poster"?)

If you want to be able to make copies
available to everyone, but "don't want
400 separate requests to create dumps
and email them", then why mention the
possibility of emailed dumps at all?
Why not take whatever CCLed posts you
choose to make available and just dump
them onto a website and tell anybody who
wants anything to go fetch it himself
from the website?

Message ID: 223682
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2005-01-16 02:29:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

All of the above, Al. My ultimate intent is to preserve the historical record, and prevent a catastrophic loss of all prior posts.

I already have an archive of all posts, for my own personal searching, and for my own personal nntp feed. Getting permission from each poster to license their posts under a non-commercial share/alike with attribution CCL (boy, that is a mouthful) will simply make everything possible that you mention. As a matter of fact, I planned on asking Andy to provide the front end functionality since he is so much better at it than me :)

In the near future I plan on opening up my personal archive to the public, it will only actually display posts of people who license their posts. At some point I plan on doing exactly what you mention, letting everyone download their own copies...

I think history is in the making, and it needs to be preserved...

Message ID: 223684
Posted By: spamsux99
Posted On: 2005-01-16 02:35:00
Subject: Re: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project

You can email me, from your corresponding yahoo account, at mikey at badpenguins dot com.

The texts of these Yahoo Message Board posts have been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board users "spamsux99", "cat_herder_5263", "boyle_m_owl", "al_petrofsky", "jjjacq", "" under the following license: License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0.

Copyright 2005 Yahoo! SCOX. Messages are owned by the individual posters.