Blocking feedback

March 29 2005

Let me be clear. I never asked them to disable feedback sections. Never. There have been three occasions in the last few months when I have asked that one particular slanderous remark about me be removed. On the third occasion, I mentioned that I believed it was the same individual each time, and I suggested they block that particular individual or whoever they determined was responsible for the slander. I have never asked that all feedback to all the articles -- or to any of the articles -- be disabled.

Pamela, you have done alot of great work here at Groklaw. But encouraging other sites to 'block' someone whom you consider to be 'slanderous' of you and/or your viewpoint, well, I don't think that is in the spirit of open, free journalism.

02:04 PM EST

Clarifying the Record on Blocking Comments on LBW & SCO Grabbing Docs Update

by jumpman

March 29 2005

Unfortunately PJ, you have found the dark side of fame.

People will exploit and turn every phrase you say to give it a meaning that
suits them when you are famous.

And let's face it, you are now a leading member of the Linux Community. And as
such your actions will now have policital weight. Any interview you give or
regect will garner the attention of the community. As such any magazine would
be almost foolish not to find out and to write a story about it.

(donning Tin Foil Hat)And extrapolating from that, I would imagine that anybody
that has any information concerning your actions would be willing to volunteer
it to a reporter, for a small donation of course.

Heck I am surprised there isn't anybody scrambling for a picture of you while
you were at the linux convention a couple of months ago.

Unfortunately, PJ, you are going to have to get used to misquotes and your
negotiations with other companies/people made public. And God forbid the press
ever finsd out where you live or what you look like. I don't think they will
leave you alone for a good long time.

But those that really matter, those that listen, will know the truth. And they
will trust your words and not some ratings hungry magazine/news agency.

(removing Tin Foil Hat)

In all seriousness, PJ, don't worry about low ball attacks. You are better than
that, you know it and everybody that matters knows it. Rise above the noise,
correct wrong statements when they occur, but don't let it get under your skin.


04:05 PM EST

Blocking feedback

by PJ

March 29 2005

I deduce that you are not a lawyer or trained in the law in
any way. Most such issues are
handled without needing to fight in court and spend thousands
of dollars. Responsible journalists know what is and isn't
slander, most of the time.

And free speech does not include
the right to libel or slander others. For one thing, free speech
rules are for government entities, for starters. Some people
think they can just say whatever they wish, and they have the
right to say things that are clearly wrong and provably false and
tend to cause others to think less of someone. No one has
that right, actually.

07:48 PM EST

Clarifying the Record on Blocking Comments on LBW & SCO Grabbing Docs Update

by PJ

March 29 2005

OK, CMF. I'll do my best. But I have to tell you, I don't even
like the good side of fame, so you can imagine how much
I detest the dark side. I never knew such people in my life.

I must say, it's been an education.

08:01 PM EST

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