Holy cats!

By dromasco

September 26 2006

Anybody see the volume of SCO shares traded yesterday? Only 334,600! That is
SUCH an order of magnitude beyond what has been routinely traded in the
paintblaster.... To quote a Japanese acquaintance of mine: "What means
this?" Is it desperate price support, or rats headed over the side?

I'm not kidding, folks; this is a significant change in SCO stock trading
behavior. Any ideas?

09:51 AM EDT

Holy cats! (Bounce?)

By Peter H. Salus

September 26 2006

Well, I don't think that that's all the dead cat had...

Up $0.04 and now down $0.01 (with 56K shares traded) is
the first hiccough.

I think we'll see it up again and further down prior to
close with a total volume smaller than yesterday's.

Peter H. Salus

11:13 AM EDT


Holy cats!

By Peter H. Salus

September 26 2006

So ... who bought 20K shares of
scox at $0.08 over the price to
bring it to +0.07 at 11:30EDT?

(Does the Shadow know?)

Peter H. Salus

11:40 AM EDT


Holy cats!

By Peter H. Salus

September 26 2006

And it's back down! It's just like
Wile E. Coyote bouncing down a cliff!

Peter H. Salus

11:56 AM EDT


Peter H. Salus is having fun

By DaveJakeman

September 26 2006

I hate to think how much popcorn he's eating.

Unfortunately for us, common sense is not very common.
Should one hear an accusation, try it out on the accuser.

12:12 PM EDT

Peter H. Salus is having fun

By Peter H. Salus

September 26 2006

Yes, Dave, I am. And travcking while trying to
work isn't fun... But, fyi, I don't like popcorn.

Coffee, now...

Peter H. Salus

12:59 PM EDT


1.66 to 1.76 to 1.67 in just minutes

By Nivuahc

September 26 2006

Not being a stock markey kind of guy, how common is this? It seems like the
price is making some fairly large leaps and dips in very small periods of time.

My Doctor says I have A.D.D... He just doesn't understand. It's not like... Hey!
Look at that chicken!

12:14 PM EDT

1.66 to 1.76 to 1.67 in just minutes

By Peter H. Salus

September 26 2006

Well, Chauvin, it ain't common.

If this were a real stock -- IBM, say -- $0.05 or $0.15
or even $0.25 up and down wouldn't mean much. (Note:
IBM has traded over 2 million shares already today.)
But this is a small stock, generally trading about
10 or 12K shares. Trading over 300K yesterday and
over 150K already today means that at least some big
boys are getting rid of their holdings, even at a loss.
The upward ticks are others who are trying to stem the
downward plunge.

This is not an "orderly market."

Peter H. Salus

01:09 PM EDT


The lull again, "almost no volume"-trading

By jdg

September 26 2006

As of 12 noon selling STOPPED, since then it is back to bids of 100 or small
multiples thereof, and as it typical, the price is drifting back up. It will
probably continue to do so until someone else wants out. I would be surprised
if the total reaches 160,000 today and the target is 1.65 now, although they
might try to up that to the prior-day's close or even the 1.75 level they they
were trading it at in the morning.

SCO is trying to appropriate the "commons"; don't let them [IANAL]

03:13 PM EDT

The lull again, "almost no volume"-trading

By Peter H. Salus

September 26 2006

Well, over 179K shares traded; down $0.03.

Who won the pool?

Peter H. Salus

04:31 PM EDT


Back to scox

By Peter H. Salus

September 27 2006

Over 8000 shares traded! Already up to $1.75!

Watch that cat bounce. Watch that paint spray.

Peter H. Salus

10:16 AM EDT


Back to scox

By Peter H. Salus

September 27 2006

14K shares traded; up $0.13 to $1.79 at 10:30.

Peter H. Salus

10:39 AM EDT


OT: Royal Bank of Canada

By Peter H. Salus

September 27 2006

Royal Bank of Canada was one of the Pipe Fairy's
vehicles. Yesterday, after sentencing, Fastow
implicated Royal Bank in the Enron debacle.


Peter H. Salus

11:18 AM EDT


scox & the paint

By Peter H. Salus

September 27 2006

Well, scox closed at $1.80, up $0.14, with 79,707
shares traded.

If I had sold 80,000 shares yesterday at (say) $1.65
and now bought them at $1.80, my net loss would have
been about $12,000. If I turn around an sell them
at $1.77 or $1.75, I reduce my loss, and I keep the
floating price above the total disaster line.

The volume is interesting: 300K on Monday, 150K on
Tuesday, 80K on Wednesday. Two more days till the
end of the quarter.

Peter H. Salus

04:32 PM EDT


SCOX Prices today

By Peter H. Salus

September 28 2006

Well, it's off to the races again: 725
shares traded and we're up $0.01.

SCOX is right now (market valus) worth
about $38M. Just about three years ago,
in September 2003, its market value was
ten times that. Nearly $400M.

There's a moral in there...

Peter H. Salus

10:15 AM EDT


SCOX Prices today

By Jude

September 28 2006

I expect prices will be wacky. People will expect action on the stock price now
that we're seeing some action on the court case. There's probably a bunch of
speculators trying to make a buck by second-guessing each other. I don't think
price movement has anything to do with any inherent value of SCOX, I think it's
all the result of speculators playing against each other.

10:58 AM EDT

SCOX Prices today

By Peter H. Salus

September 28 2006

Of course, Jude. But, as far as I can tell, SCOX prices
have been "wacky" ever since they dropped to under $1.00
and were awarded the scarlet (E) in mid-2002.

Note the two most recent trades (before 11am) were for
100 shares down $0.04 to $1.77 and for 5000 shares to
bring it back up to $1.80 for zero change so far today.

I doubt whether there are any remaining minnows and the
predators can "sacrifice" a few shares and a few cents
to keep up the illusion.

Peter H. Salus

11:12 AM EDT


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