SCO wants an uneducated jury
El Corton
February 23, 2010
The parties have filed [726, 727] their proposed voir dire questions, the ones
that will be asked of prospective jurors during the selection process. Most of them
are pretty unremarkable and are intended to exclude people who may have preconceived
ideas about the case, but one of SCO's questions really stands out: "Raise your
hand if you have a college education."
SCO will be trying for a jury of hillbillies
who won't understand the case and are suspicious of outsiders to their community
and of big business. Novell isn't really an outsider any more than SCO is (both
are Delaware corporations based in Utah), but SCO will try to portray it as such.
11:16:51 PM
Source: Investor Village SCOX [ ]
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