By Anonymous
March 24 2010
While we all appreciate the efforts of the Groklaw reporters, the report on day
12 is frustrating. This was absolutely crucial testimony from Novell's two
on the intent of the amended APA, and I'm not sure what happened. We
need someone
with access to the daily transcripts to help us out.
Thank you!
04:42 PM EDT
I purchased the transcript
By Anonymous
March 24 2010
So I could show you how much of the testimony you are not getting from the
reports. You are hearing exactly what PJ wants you to hear. Not very much. I
hope you will be very surprised on Friday.
Just two more example of how inaccurate
and biased Groklaw reporters are: Mr
Hatch did not cross Allison Amadian Mr.
Normand did. Second Allison Amadian
had her rear end handed to her for 45 min.
by Mr. Normand and all Groklaw
reported was 2 paragraphs!!
SCO's Mr. Hatch
cross-examined and tried to undermine her expertise in licensing
through the
wording of the Amendment 2 and also attempted to elicit that the
APA, if it conveyed
a license, would have been an implied license (she averred
it was an explicit
grant of rights, just not using the word
"license"). Mr. Hatch was trying to
show that had it been an implied
license, Santa Cruz would have been unable to
protect itself by making
infringement claims against others.
There were
lots of questioning on meanings of various language and phrases used
in both
the APA and Amendment 2. Mr. Hatch referred to the language of Amendment
2 where
it might be read that should Santa Cruz "require" a copyright,
that a process
would be triggered to obtain it. Ms. Amadian testified that was
never her intent
in drafting that language. On examination about why Amendment 2
can be read as
ambiguous, she said that in a perfect world she would have
drafted it from "whole
cloth," but that in negotiations some ambiguity
must be accepted to "get the
deal done." She said that knowing Steve
Sabbath (whom she'd described earlier
as a bit of a "screamer"), he
wouldn't have accepted a complete change of his
language (from his draft).
06:54 PM EDT
Chris Brown vs. anonymous
By Anonymous
March 24 2010
Chris has quite a track record. He has been the main reporter on the Utah
hearings, and he has NEVER been significantly inaccurate.
Now some anonymous
person says that this report is completely off the mark, on
the basis of information
known to anonymous but unavailable to us.
And, said anonymous claims that
PJ is misleading us. PJ, who has for years
provided sources, links to all her
information (along with expert interpretation
and the occasional snark). And
to counter this, anonymous gives us... his
say-so. No documentation, just a claim.
Sorry, that's not good enough. One
unsubstantiated claim does NOT trump a seven-year-long
track record of
Hmm. Claims of inside information that will
dash our hopes, nothing but
innuendo as to what the information actually is,
and personal attacks on people
who have been shown to be accurate for years.
This really sounds like Biff to
09:09 PM EDT
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